Do You Really Need A JOB? Reasons Why I Don’t Think So And What You Can Do About It eBook Ejeke PC

There is a problem; a global problem of gigantic proportions. This is a problem that is threatening to wipe out the middle class. (If it hasn’t already done so)
Why I Wrote This Book
Times have changed; people are losing their jobs like there is no tomorrow. Companies are finding it more and more difficult to pay pensions. Due to the global economic crises, millions of people have lost their jobs than were created.
More people are living higher institutions only to find that there are virtually no J.O.Bs for them. Most peopl that have retired are being forced to either go back to work or go back to school to get a higher degree that will guarantee them J.O.Bs.
There is no country that doesn’t have its own share of the global crises and bail out plans and promises.
Unfortunately, no one person has all the answers, not even governments.
But the good news is that, each of us has what it takes to find and apply the solution to our lives. So far, it’s clear that the world’s governments cannot do it alone. It’s left to every individual to find his own path to a better life.
I strongly believe, that better path cannot be going back to school or looking for a better J.O.B. That would be the greatest mistake any one will ever make.
That’s why I have written this book. I don’t pretend it has all the answers, far from it but it’s a start. It has all you need to give you that gentle nudge in the right direction to start thinking for yourself.
What You Will Learn
-You will get to understand why it’s a bad idea to think that a J.O.B will save you from the problem on ground.
-You will know why you really don’t need a day J.O.B
-You will get to find out what you can do so that you are not among those suffering the consequences of the global financial crises
- You will learn how to leverage the power of the internet to make a living and take care of yourself and your family.
-Then you will learn what to do if you already have a day J.OB. How you can systematically break free and finally be able to quite your day J.O.B.
-You will also know what to do to not just survive in the global financial crises but also thrive and keep moving forward.
Do You Really Need A JOB? Reasons Why I Don’t Think So And What You Can Do About It eBook Ejeke PC
I was a bit hesitant purchasing this book based on some negative reviews, but taking a “look inside” convinced me to shell out the $2.99 and purchase it.Granted – there are spelling mistakes, but not really that many and they do not deter from the content of this book. Perhaps those nit pickers who feel that they paid too much for this book without it being absolutely 100% perfect can go back to their J.O.B.’s as they completely missed the point of this book.
This was truly inspirational to me. I’ve been very dissatisfied with my J.O.B. and really want to turn a lifelong passion into income. I just didn’t know how. Now I know! And I’ll get to work on this immediately.
I am no fool. I know this will take time, but I finally see a path to get there. Very well written book!
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Tags : Do You Really Need A J.O.B? Reasons Why I Don't Think So And What You Can Do About It - Kindle edition by Ejeke P.C. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Do You Really Need A J.O.B? Reasons Why I Don't Think So And What You Can Do About It.,ebook,Ejeke P.C,Do You Really Need A J.O.B? Reasons Why I Don’t Think So And What You Can Do About It,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Home-Based Businesses,SELF-HELP Motivational & Inspirational
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Do You Really Need A JOB? Reasons Why I Don’t Think So And What You Can Do About It eBook Ejeke PC Reviews
There's an old saying that goes something like, "The winner of the rat race is still just a rat in a race!" OK, I'm paraphrasing, but the mantra is one I've embraced for years now. I'm making great strides in making this mantra a reality in my own life, so I'm researching as much as I can on the subject of financial freedom. This book does a very fine job of addressing this issue with some pretty tangible strategies and freedom mindset scenarios. I really enjoyed perusing this book...!
There are a multitude of reasons why you should start your own business. Most of them can be found inside this book!
Yes, I understand that a regular paycheck does have its benefits, but... and this is a big but, in my opinion it would be a wise move to begin working toward extricating ourselves from the corporate world. The world is changing rapidly and opportunities are all around us. One of the wonderful things about creating a business is that you can do it on the side (while that regular paycheck is still coming in) and build it up until you're ready to take the leap.
Why shouldn't you be creating an entity to pass down to YOUR kids instead of helping your boss build one to pass down to his?
This book will not only solidify any feelings you have about working for yourself (if you've ever thought about it), but will also give you some ideas about what type of business might be most appealing to you.
The author gives numerous business models available today that require very little start up costs. From Ebay to and from clickbank to niche websites and blogs, the author gives some pros and cons that will help potential entrepreneurs to decide what they are best suited to doing.
If you are considering working for yourself, do yourself a favor and buy this book!
I'm definitely biased when it comes to this review. Over eight years ago, I decided to walk away from my 9 to 5 job and do my own thing.
What attracted me to Ejeke's book is his excellent overview of why people no longer need jobs in modern society. The first part of this book details all the reasons why it makes no sense for many people to work for someone else. I like his comment about how we're not rewarded, no matter how hard we work and how many hours we put in. So true!
Ejeke then moves on to describing a variety of ways you can earn money besides having a job. I was already aware of all the techniques he discusses, but I think he did an excellent job of providing an introduction to some of the common ways people make money online.
First, let me share my favorite lines from this book
"The worst thing you can do is go get a job just because everyone thinks it's the right thing to do."
"There are far better ways to make a living than selling your time and yourself to indentured servitude."
"The worst thing about getting experience from your J.O.B. is that you usually just repeat the same limited experience over
and over again."
I also embraced the mentality "Go to school, Get a Job, Save for Retirement". Just lately that I came to realize that there
are so many things in life that we can enjoy but the precious time it takes to enjoy those things is being taken away by
going every weekday to the office for mundane tasks. The freedom to do what you want to do, whenever and wherever you
want to do it, makes more life interesting whereas rat race in the corporate world is comparable to a plain, boring show with predictable script.
This book is a must for people who want to gain good perspective on entrepreneurship as opposed to trading time for money in life-sucking, boring JOB. I found it to be inspiring and motivational.
What I love about this book is that it gives you several compelling reasons why you don't need a job and it provides money making options that you can truly enjoy doing. I enjoyed reading the overview for each online money making ideas.
I also enjoyed reading the section What is Your WHY. It is like a deep reflection on the "redeeming" value of entrepreneurship. Very motivational!
Buy this book before you totally get miserable with your day job!
The author explains how since the end of the Industrial Age in 1989, the "safe and secure" jobs began to decline and why this may be the best time to be an entrepreneur. The book has several quotes from Robert Kiyosaki and other writers. I liked the way he applied Kiyosaki's wisdom to making money online.
The book offers numerous options for making money outside of a job. Regardless of what path you choose (affiliate marketing, niche sites, info products, freelance services) you'll find value in this guide. Even if you are currently an employee it's important to be aware that you may be one paycheck away from financial disaster, unless you prepare. Excellent read!
I was a bit hesitant purchasing this book based on some negative reviews, but taking a “look inside” convinced me to shell out the $2.99 and purchase it.
Granted – there are spelling mistakes, but not really that many and they do not deter from the content of this book. Perhaps those nit pickers who feel that they paid too much for this book without it being absolutely 100% perfect can go back to their J.O.B.’s as they completely missed the point of this book.
This was truly inspirational to me. I’ve been very dissatisfied with my J.O.B. and really want to turn a lifelong passion into income. I just didn’t know how. Now I know! And I’ll get to work on this immediately.
I am no fool. I know this will take time, but I finally see a path to get there. Very well written book!

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